Perhaps the most important question concerning life is, “does God ACTUALLY exist?” If God doesn’t exist, then why live for Him? Why pray to Him?
Another important question a person must ask is, “If God is real, will I live for Him?” What the heart rejects, the mind will not believe.
There are a few ways we can prove God exists. If you are wanting something physical to weigh and measure, we don’t have that. I will go into greater detail below, but what we have is YHWH God making direct contacts with people for 1000s of years, people who wrote prophecies (telling the future), that would eventually come true, and knowledge that Oxygen is in the blood. This is a relatively recent discovery in science. Those are some examples that prove the God mentioned in scripture, YHWH, is actually God. In more general terms, as far a God existing, life itself bears witness to an intelligent being creating all of life.
I had a dream about 7 years ago. In the dream, I was looking down through the roof of the church across the street. I could see a small group studying Exodus. When I woke up I called the church and asked if they had a small group studying Exodus at that very moment, he replied, “well as a matter of fact we do, do you know someone who goes here?” Then I told him the dream.
YHWH God has contacted me before. I use this example because there is no other way of explaining it. My mind cannot see from the sky into a church. Perhaps God was showing me what He sees. I do not know.
When I entered the covenant when I was 17 I prayed to God that he would contact me. As Solomon asked for Wisdom, “Give therefore thy servant an understanding heart to judge thy people” 1 Kings 3.9, I asked to be contacted. For I knew if I only knew for sure YHWH God was real, I would give God more. No one wants to live their lives for a lie. What was important to me was that I know YHWH God was real. Before I prayed this I had already experienced a power in my chest that lasted 3 years. It happened when I repented, asked God and Jesus to come into my life, and asked to be forgiven. It was likely the Holy Spirit. The feeling was similar to the feeling you get in your chest when you drop fast. Like when an elevator goes down fast, or a roller coaster, or if you drive off a ledge or bump in the road. It lasted 3 whole years. It was an amazing thing. Also when I had this experience I suddenly didn’t want a cigarette or anything else. I quit with no issues.
In another instance, I was talking to an Atheist whose name I did not know. I told him God contacts people directly. So he said, “If he talks to you, then what is my name”. I’m not sure what to call it, whether to call it a voice or a premonition, but the word “Adam” popped up in my head. So I said, “Adam”, and he said I was correct.
MY ADVICE IN SEEKING GOD TO CONTACT YOU: From Adam and Eve to people today, YHWH God has always contacted people. And because I reckon I am not special, I’m guessing he contacts other people. I don’t have a Genii lamp that we can rub to get God to contact us. I don’t know what boxes I checked, or what the formula is, to get him to contact me. I only know what I did. I asked for a contact, sought holiness, stayed close to YHWH God (with a few years apart), studying his word, told people about Him, and I vowed to him my whole life if he would contact me. For if YHWH God is real, and I came to know that for sure, then, of course, I will do His will. He is after all the creator of all things.
When I was an Atheist, I had a whole range of ways to attack the idea of God. As I write this, I do so with the Atheists of the world in mind, who are fair and sincere in their questioning of the reality of the God called YHWH. They raise a good point, “if there is no evidence for the God of the scriptures, then why believe in him?” The wrong answer people most often give is something along these lines, “if we had evidence of God, then it wouldn’t be faith”. This is an absurd comment. The word for ‘faith’, and ‘believe’ in the King James Version is the same in Greek, pistis. The word means to lean on, to trust in, to rely on. ‘Faith’ is the noun form of the word, ‘believe’ is the verb form. Therefore, faith in practice means to trust God and Jesus. To rely on them. To lean on them. In today’s English, faith and belief mean, “to accept the existence of”. This definition interferes with the many believers’ perceptions of YHWH God. A popular idea is God is distant, and though He used to contact people at one time, He doesn’t today. What this does is, if YHWH God were to reach out to a person who doesn’t believe he exists, then they will attribute his contacts to something else. The writers of the scriptures tell of a God who directly contacts people. A God who sends blessing and turmoil, life and death. Unlike the added book called ‘John’ [True scripture is from Genesis to the 3rd Gospel] which says no one has ever seen God, the True scriptures repeatedly mention people seeing God in reality. God is very present, Heaven is in the sky above, Hell is beneath our feet, the Devil and his demons affect the world, and the Holy Spirit speaks through and to men. This is reality.
Matthew 24:14 KJV – And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.
This is one of the prophecies Jesus spoke. It has undeniably come true. The Gospel has reached every corner of the globe. The words of Jesus have been translated into 2000 languages, more than any other person in History. Wherever you go if you mention Jesus, they will know exactly who you are talking about. I use this prophecy first because unbelievers will dismiss the other prophecies, they say “well that must have been written after the events occurred”. In this case, we know the 3 Gospels were written between 34ad to 50ad when the Church was very small.
BABYLON: Isaiah 13:19-20 KJV – And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldees’ excellency, shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah. It shall never be inhabited, neither shall it be dwelt in from generation to generation: neither shall the Arabian pitch tent there; neither shall the shepherds make their fold there.
Isaiah wrote this about 200 years before Babylon was destroyed. Babylon was very powerful then. It would be like saying “New York will be destroyed and no one will inhabit it”. Also interesting is, Saddam Hussein wanted to dig up Babylon and make something of it. He was killed by his own people not long after vocalizing this desire. I’m not justifying the war.
We know from The Father that the soul [ nepesh is translated ‘life’ in the KJV] is in the blood.
Genesis 9:4 NKJV – “But you shall not eat flesh with its life/nephesh, that is, its blood.
Leviticus 17:14 NKJV – “for it is the life/nephesh of all flesh. Its blood sustains its life/nephesh. Therefore I said to the children of Israel, ‘You shall not eat the blood of any flesh, for the life/nephesh of all flesh is its blood. Whoever eats it shall be cut off.’
Here we see the soul nepesh enters the body by the breath of God:
Genesis 2:7 NKJV – And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living being/nephesh.
Breath is oxygen. The soul entered the body because of the breath. Breathing in air, the air goes straight into the red blood cells. The blood is where the soul is. There is no way ancient Israelites could have known the air we breathe would go into the red blood cells, and yet here we are YHWH God is saying not to eat the blood because the soul is in the blood.
Here are some more verses: Isaiah 2:22 (KJV) Cease ye from man, whose spirit in his nostrils: for wherein is he to be accounted of?
Genesis 7:22 (KJV) All in whose nostrils [was] the spirit of life, of all that [was] in the dry [land], died.
Life could not have come from anywhere else other than an intelligent designer.
The irony of Atheism is they reject an all-knowing intelligent being who designed life. While at the same time, when they discuss evolution, they attribute to matter an all-knowing creative design trait when explaining adaptations. If asked, “why does a Giraffe have a long neck?”, they will respond “to get food out of trees”. What they are saying is, cells can know what the larger organism needs for survival and can design a blueprint to create an extended neck over millions of years. In other words, the cell knows everything, and can create everything. Not only is the cell the creator, but the cell is far more advanced than any human being. The ear has 1000s of strings in it pick up sound. To create this from a one-cell organism, the cell would have to know what hearing is, and then go about creating an ability to hear over 1000s of generations of evolution. How can a cell know what hearing it? Humans cannot even create an ear, but to the atheist, the cell knows exactly how. Listen up when they talk about the adaptations of organisms, and you’ll hear intelligence assigned to the cell. In effect they are, without knowing it, the cell is an all-knowing intelligent designer.
So what about the origin of the one-cell organism? They usually cite the Harold Urey and Stanley Miller experiment. Assuming the experiment was accurate (it’s been discredited), the results found nothing more than amino acids. Amino acids are not life. They are the building blocks of life. The one-cell organism is extremely complex. No experiment has shown how life came from non-life. Amino acids are like the metal on a car. They are used to form the structure. But a car has an engine, an electrical system, and all the parts are attached perfectly. A cell is far more advanced, and it also reproduces other cells.
This point doesn’t prove the God of the scriptures is real, it only proves that life was created by an intelligent being and not by accident which is impossible. Other than a person defending the Abortion Holocaust, the Atheist is the easiest person to beat in a debate. To beat them, simply ask them to show how life could come from non-life, like rocks and heat. Most think they know the way because they read something that they easily accepted.
Question: If you were the first person to do archeology on Mars and you found a computer 100 times more advanced than anything on Earth, would you assume intelligent life created it? The single-cell organism which Atheists say just came into being when various environmental conditions were met along with a spark of electricity, is far more advanced than any computer by far. It is impossible that it was not created by an intelligent life form. Observe the cell’s complexity, the complexity of the flagellum, and the motor of the flagellum, the pilus, and the RNA code. Every code has a coder. Accidents don’t create motors or codes.

These are just parts of a single-cell organism. Every single aspect is extremely complex in its design. In his book The God Delusion, which reads like a high schooler’s homework, Richard Dawkins attributes the origin of life to statistics and luck. He says because there are billions of planets, therefore the statistical chance of life forming is high. “We can deal with the unique origin of life by postulating a very large number of planetary opportunities.” The reality is, if you shake the universe up for eternity, you will not get a computer, and you most certainly won’t get a self-replicating single-cell organism. An honest and informed Atheist will simply say, “I don’t know how life began”.
This page only skimmed the surface of the evidence of God. There are many prophecies, many more complexities of the single-cell organism, and many people who have been contacted by YHWH God. Search for them yourself. Obviously, many people who claim to be in contact with YHWH God, have not. We can’t say who is and who isn’t lying. But if YHWH contacted you, then you would know. If anyone who reads this wants to send us a message, go to our contact page. Thanks